Can a Breathalyzer Mess Up Your Car

If you’re talking about a portable breathalyzer, the answer is no. If you’re talking about an ignition interlock device, the answer is maybe. An ignition interlock device is installed in your car and requires you to blow into it before the engine will start.

If the device detects alcohol on your breath, it will prevent the engine from starting. However, if the device is not properly calibrated, it may give false readings that can prevent you from starting your car even if you haven’t been drinking.

It’s no secret that a DUI can wreak havoc on your life. But what about your car? Can a breathalyzer test really mess up your vehicle?

The answer is yes – but it depends on the situation. If you are pulled over and asked to take a breathalyzer test, and you refuse, the officer may have probable cause to believe you are intoxicated. This could lead to your car being impounded on the spot.

However, if you take the test and fail, there’s a good chance your car will be fine. The police may choose to seize your vehicle if they believe it was used in connection with a crime, but this is rare. Most likely, they will simply give you a ticket and send you on your way.

So if you find yourself facing a breathalyzer test, don’t panic – chances are, your car will be just fine. But of course, the best way to avoid any problems is to always drive sober!

Why is There a Breathalyzer in Your Car

Intoxalock Ruined My Car

If you’re a driver in the United States, you’ve probably heard of Intoxalock. It’s a company that makes breathalyzers and other devices to prevent drunk driving. But what you may not know is that Intoxalock can actually ruin your car.

Here’s how: Intoxalock installs its devices in cars by drilling a hole in the dashboard. This hole is then covered by a small plate with the Intoxalock logo on it.

The problem is that this hole weakens the structure of the dashboard, making it more likely to break in an accident. And if thedashboard does break, it can cause serious injuries to passengers. What’s more, Intoxalock doesn’t just drill one hole in your dash – they drill three!

That’s right, three holes weaken the dashboard even further and increase the risk of injury even more. So if you’re considering using an Intoxalock device, think twice – it could end up costing you much more than just money.

Interlock Horror Stories

Interlock devices are designed to prevent drunk driving, but sometimes they can cause more harm than good. Here are some interlock horror stories: 1. One woman’s car wouldn’t start because her interlock device was frozen.

She had to call a tow truck and wait for hours in the cold. 2. Another woman’s interlock device went off while she was driving, and she had to pull over and blow into it in front of other drivers. 3. A man’s interlock device went off while he was at work, and he had to leave work early to go blow into it.

4. A woman’s interlock device went off while she was at a restaurant, and she had to blow into it in front of everyone there. 5. A man’s interlock device went off while he was taking his daughter to school, and he had to blow into it in front of her and all the other parents dropping their kids off at school.

Jumping a Car With Interlock Device

If you have an interlock device on your car, you may be wondering if you can still jump start your car. The answer is yes, you can still jump start your car with an interlock device. However, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind when doing so.

First, when attaching the jumper cables, be sure to attach them to the correct terminals. If you attach them to the wrong terminals, it could damage the interlock device. Second, when starting the donor vehicle, be sure not to rev the engine too high.

This could also damage the interlock device. Finally, once the donor vehicle is running and charging your battery, be sure to disconnect the jumper cables in the reverse order that you attached them. Jumping a car with an interlock device is possible, but there are a few things that you need to keep in mind in order to do it safely.

Be sure to attach the jumper cables correctly and don’t rev the engine too high on the donor vehicle. Following these simple tips will help ensure that you can successfully jump start your car without damaging your interlock device.

Smart Start Ruined My Car

If you’re a car owner, you’ve probably heard of the term “smart start.” Smart start is a system that allows your car to be started remotely, usually by using your smartphone. It’s a great convenience for many people, but it can also be a major pain if it doesn’t work properly.

I can speak from personal experience on this one. I recently purchased a new car that came with smart start. I was excited to use it and thought it would make my life much easier.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case. The smart start system has ruined my car! Here’s why: The biggest problem is that the system is very finicky.

If anything is even slightly off, it won’t work. For example, if your phone isn’t in just the right spot, or if there’s any sort of interference, the system won’t work. And when it doesn’t work, it’s extremely frustrating because you have to go through the whole process of starting your car manually.

Another issue is that the system drains your battery quickly. If you use smart start frequently, you’ll find that your battery dies much faster than normal. This can be especially problematic if you’re somewhere without easy access to a charger.

Lastly, smart start systems are notorious for being hacked . There have been multiple reports of people having their cars stolen after their smart start systems were hacked . So not only is the system unreliable and inconvenient , but it could also put your safety at risk .

For all these reasons , I would strongly recommend against using a smart start system in your car . It’s simply not worth the hassle !

Intoxalock Ruined My Car Reddit

If you’re a regular Reddit user, you’ve probably seen the recent influx of posts about Intoxalock, a company that makes breathalyzers for cars. Many of these posts are from people who say that Intoxalock ruined their car. Apparently, the problem is that Intoxalock’s devices can cause corrosion and other damage to a car’s electrical system.

This can lead to expensive repairs, and in some cases, it can even render a car unusable. There are also reports of the devices malfunctioning and giving false readings. This could obviously be very dangerous if someone were to get behind the wheel thinking they were sober when they weren’t.

Needless to say, this is all very concerning. If you have an Intoxalock device in your car, it might be worth considering removing it. And if you’re thinking about getting one, you might want to reconsider.

Ignition Interlock Electrical Problems

An ignition interlock device is a breathalyzer for your car. If you have been convicted of a DUI, the court may order you to install one of these devices in your vehicle. The purpose of the device is to prevent you from driving while intoxicated.

If you have an ignition interlock device installed in your car, it is important to be aware of the potential for electrical problems. These devices are connected to your car’s electrical system, and if there is a problem with the device, it can affect your car’s performance. Ignition interlock devices can experience electrical problems for a number of reasons.

Sometimes, the problem is with the installation itself. If the wires are not properly connected, or if there is a loose connection, this can cause problems. Additionally, if the device is not calibrated correctly, it may give false readings that could lead to your car being disabled.

Another potential issue is that the sensors in the ignition interlock device may become damaged or dirty over time. This can cause inaccurate readings and should be cleaned or replaced as needed. If you suspect that there may be an electrical problem with your ignition interlock device, it is important to contact a qualified technician as soon as possible.

Trying to fix the problem yourself could make it worse and could also void any warranty that you have on the device.

Ignition Interlock Check Engine Light

An ignition interlock device is a breathalyzer for your car. It prevents your car from starting if it detects alcohol on your breath. If you have one installed in your vehicle, you will see a check engine light on your dash when the device is active.

The check engine light indicates that the ignition interlock device is working and is ready to test your breath. When you start your car, the light will turn off and then turn back on when the device has completed its self-test. If the check engine light is blinking, it means that the device has detected alcohol on your breath and is preventing your car from starting.

You will need to provide a clean sample of your breath before you can start your car again. If you see the check engine light while driving, it means that the device has lost power and needs to be recharged or replaced. You should pull over as soon as possible and call for assistance.

Ignition Interlock Device Problems

An ignition interlock device is a small, hand-held breathalyzer that is connected to a vehicle’s ignition system. The driver must blow into the device before starting the vehicle. If the device detects alcohol on the driver’s breath, it will prevent the vehicle from starting.

Ignition interlock devices are meant to be a deterrent for drunk driving, but they are not perfect. There have been reports of drivers circumventing the devices by having someone else blow into them, or by using mouthwash or other products that mask the presence of alcohol on their breath. In some cases, ignition interlock devices have also given false positive readings, preventing sober drivers from starting their vehicles.

If you have been ordered to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle, it is important to follow all of the requirements and regulations set forth by your state. If you experience any problems with your device, be sure to contact your service provider right away so that they can help you troubleshoot the issue.

Can a Breathalyzer Mess Up Your Car


Does Interlock Device Drain Battery?

An interlock device is a breathalyzer that is installed in a vehicle. It requires the driver to breathe into it before the engine will start. If the device detects alcohol on the driver’s breath, it will prevent the engine from starting.

Interlock devices can drain a vehicle’s battery if they are not used properly. If the device is not turned off when the engine is shut off, it will continue to draw power from the battery. Additionally, if the device is not calibrated correctly, it can cause false positives for alcohol, which would also prevent the engine from starting and drain the battery.

What Happens If My Car Battery Dies With Intoxalock?

If your car battery dies with Intoxalock, you will need to have it replaced. Intoxalock does not sell or install batteries, so you will need to contact a tow truck or roadside assistance service to have your vehicle towed to a nearby service station or garage.

Does a Breathalyzer Void Car Warranty?

No, a breathalyzer does not void your car warranty. Your car warranty is a contract between you and the manufacturer that outlines what is covered in the event of a mechanical failure. It is important to read your warranty carefully so that you are aware of any exclusions or limitations.

Most warranties do not cover damage caused by driver error, including DUI. However, if your car is damaged as a result of a manufacturing defect, your warranty will likely cover the repairs. If you have questions about whether or not your warranty covers a particular repair, it is best to contact the manufacturer directly.

Why is My Intoxalock Draining My Battery?

If you have an Intoxalock device installed in your vehicle, you may have noticed that it drains your battery more quickly than usual. There are a few reasons why this may be happening: 1. The Intoxalock device is constantly monitoring your breath for alcohol, which requires a fair amount of power.

2. If the Intoxalock device is not installed properly, it can put strain on your car’s electrical system and cause the battery to drain more quickly. 3. If your car’s battery is old or not in good condition, the Intoxalock device may be draining it more quickly than a newer or healthier battery would be drained. 4. If you frequently use features of the Intoxalock device that require a lot of power (such as the ignition interlock feature), this will also contribute to faster battery drainage.

If you’re concerned about your Intoxalock device draining your car’s battery, there are a few things you can do to mitigate the issue: 1. Make sure that the Intoxalock device is installed correctly and securely; if it isn’t, this can cause all sorts of problems, including quicker battery drainage. 2. Check on the health of your car’s battery; if it’s old or not in great condition, consider replacing it before using the Intoxalock device for an extended period of time.


Yes, a breathalyzer can mess up your car. If you have one of those little devices that you blow into to test your blood alcohol content, don’t use it while driving. The device can cause your car to stall or even shut off completely.

And, if you’re in an accident while using the breathalyzer, the device could be considered a contributing factor to the crash.

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